What if you could just MELT your STRESS away?
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Stress Melt is a guided visualization designed to make it easy to relax and unwind. This audio recording is for you if:

How does it work?
You want to make space in your life to meditate, get grounded, and enjoy more calmness—but that all takes time, and effort, and willpower, right? We had the same problem, but then we started writing guided visualizations (just for ourselves) and realized we’d stumbled upon a cheat code for life. Press play. That’s it. That’s literally all there is to it. Pay attention, or don’t, it honestly doesn’t matter either way. Wash the dishes, take the dog for a walk, and all the while reset your nervous system without using an ounce of willpower.
But how is that possible?
The subconscious mind is the seat of emotion in the human body. And one of the languages of the subconscious is story, and in particular metaphor. So, if you tell a meandering story filled with uplifting metaphors you can speak directly to the subconscious and shift your energetic state. And, if you do this process in the early morning or evening when the conscious mind is tired and your brain is in “theta” state, the programming you download becomes even more effective. This visualization will do the work for you because that’s how it was designed.
When will I see results?
Sometimes I’ll listen to one of our guided visualizations and feel about 10% better. Sometimes 50%. And Sometimes 100%. But the beauty is, that transformation took ZERO effort on my part since all I had to do was click play. I can listen to an audio recording, put away a load of laundry, and by the time I’m done, I feel like a new person. And with every repetition the recording works faster because the pathway in my mind towards relaxation is growing stronger. The reason I’ve fallen in love with guided visualizations is because they are so EASY, they can be used ANYTIME, and they’ve been so incredibly EFFECTIVE at releasing tension.