⚡What this is

⚡How it works

⚡When to use it

For all the

🧠 over-thinkers

🏆 over-achievers

✏️ overly creative minds racing 24/7…

☟here’s your new OFF switch☟

Unwind is a collection of 7 guided visualizations designed to help you reset your nervous system after a long day. This is self-care on autopilot.

There’s a 6-minute track to calm down after overstimulation. There’s a 13-minute tension melter to calm down anxiety and a 2 minute track for those busy days. In total, over 120 minutes of audio content custom tailored to help you transition from an intense work day to the most relaxing night of your life.

Here is what people are saying

☟ ☟

If it only took 6 minutes to UNWIND from the work day—how would you spend your evenings?

There’s a way to transition from “work mode” to relaxation almost instantly. It involves cues, anchors, stories, scents, and ZERO effort or willpower.

Creating this tool took me 6 years of daily meditation to figure out. I tried every evening routine under the sun, and nothing worked the way I wanted it to.

So, I created my own process, and I can teach you that process in two simple words: guided visualization. With this tool, relaxing after the work day will become insanely easy.

Just click play. Pay attention or don’t. It doesn’t matter. It will work either way.

I'm ready for relaxing evenings

I'm ready for relaxing evenings ♪

🧠 For when you’re feeling


In our household, that’s what we call the feeling at the end of the day when you’re too tired to do any of the beautiful, rejuvenating things like self care, but too wired to enjoy sitting on the couch watching Netflix because your mind can’t stop spinning and your fingers can’t stop scrolling.

This is a new, modern-day phenomenon—no part of human evolution prepared us for this feeling. There are ways to overcome this—like exercise—but what happens when you don’t even have the motivation to lace up your running shoes even though you know how good it would feel to have gone for a run?

That’s the power of UNWIND. It’s for the moments when you have ZERO willpower left in the tank.⌛

Just click play. Sit back, lie down, and relax. We got it from here.

This is self care made EASY.

And because it’s so easy, because it lives on your phone, because you can listen while cleaning the kitchen or putting away some groceries, it’s always available and it will actually work.

This is what

self-care looks

like on


Unwind is a new type of program created for the creators, the artists, the thinkers, and the lifelong learners.

Your mind is your greatest asset, but when it can’t stop spinning at the end of the day, it starts to feel like it’s working against you, right?

Imagine for a moment you’re walking home at the end of the day, and suddenly it starts to rain, a torrential downpour that soaks you in seconds. When you get home, do you remove your wet clothing and put it into your dresser on top of all your clean clothes?

Of course not! You hang them up to dry or place them in the dryer. It’s an easy, simple decision, so you do it effortlessly. Now, let’s apply the same reasoning to our minds—our greatest asset of all.

Listening to Unwind right after work lets our mind know: THE DAY IS DONE, THE TIME TO RELAX IS NOW. And because the mind is a quick learner, each repetition becomes easier and more effective.

But I’ve tried meditation…

Unwind is way easier

How does it work?

Unwind works by telling a series of stories with calming ambient sounds and music to decrease activity in your mind gradually. You know how telling a stressed-out person to “relax” tends to make them more upset? Well, the same dynamic stops many people from being able to decompress after a hectic day at work. Unwind solves this problem by tapping into our innate human interest in stories. We all crave an engaging story because biologically stories have been an important part of human evolution. Stories are where knowledge is stored. The slow, gentle progression of one story meandering into the next distracts the mind. Then, we carefully dim the lights, so to speak, through ambient sounds, and atmospheric music. And before you know it, you’ve gone from bumper-to-bumper traffic to a quiet dark room with crickets chirping and the moon rising over the horizon.

How is this different from meditation?

Prior to developing these guided visualizations, we meditated daily for 6 years straight. This program is significantly easier than that ever was because it doesn’t require any form of willpower, or habit stacking, or effort. Just click play. Listen while you fold laundry or cook dinner if you want. Meditation calms the mind and clears your thoughts, but guided visualizations give you BETTER thoughts. Relaxation is a spectrum of feelings and emotions. Often, people want to go from a hectic busy day directly into a state of calm bliss—go to a heavy metal concert and then try sitting in an empty, quiet room afterward. You’ll probably notice some ringing in your ears and adrenaline pumping through your veins. Unwind is designed to bridge the gap between intense experiences and effortless relaxation. A professional athlete respects her body by cooling down and stretching after a heavy workout. It’s time the dreamers and the thinkers learned to treat their minds with that level of care and attention.

When do I use this program?

Unwind is designed to be used the second you get home from work, but before your evening begins. I listen to it after putting Max to sleep, before I start any chores or creative activities. Do not use this program while driving home. Do not use this program while operating heavy machinery. Unwind is designed to calm your nervous system down and should be listened to only when it is safe to be extremely relaxed. Many of the tracks will be more effective if you take the time to sit or lie down. But we also created “Clean with Me” for moments when the house is a mess and putting everything back together would feel enjoyable. Weekend mornings are also a great time to listen to Unwind, especially if you get that “sunday scaries” feeling when Monday dread begins to set it. Unwind wasn’t designed as a sleep program, but if it puts you to sleep go for it! We took special care to use positive affirming language that would be beneficial, especially in moments of deep rest.

We believe the tools you invest in should work the way you want them to. Try Unwind for 3 days, and if you don’t love it, we’ll refund your purchase.