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Here are the coordinates of the exact mountain top on the island of Tinos, Greece, where we picked up these beautiful rocks: 37.662699, 25.056170. Tinos is a popular Athenian vacation destination, but outside Greece, it’s far less known than the name-brand islands like Santorini, which means the beaches are spacious, you hear mostly Greek spoken at restaurants and taverns, and the island feels disconnected from the mainland, with a slow pace of life and a small, mostly elderly, population of permanent residents.

If you’ve watched our “100 Days of Sweat Video” you’ll recognize that the mountain we do sprints on around Day 49 is the exact ground where these rocks are from. That side of the island of Tinos was one of our favorite wild camping spots in almost 2 years of van life. We swam in crystal clear water without anyone around. We strolled down dusty dirt roads too rugged for cars to safely drive. The hot sun beat down on us as we hiked through mountains cut apart by thousands of terraces, all abandoned long ago.

Tinos is a reminder to disconnect from the mainland and reconnect with the self, to live life for the beautiful moments found in solitude and adventure, and to enjoy every minute of it. These rocks are a little rough around the edges, and though they look strong and marble-like, they are actually the most fragile of all the collections. The large ones are heavy and would make for great statement pieces on nights out, but probably not everyday use. If you are hard on your stuff (like Dana) and wear things to the limit, then you might be more suited to a stronger stone from Spain, or Portugal.

***If you try and break some of these stones with your hands, they will in fact break, unlike most of the other collections which are rock solid (pun intended!)***

Here’s a Playlist with all our videos from Greece to see what inspired this collection.

What’s in the box: Each Grit Rock purchase comes with 1 sterling silver chain (18 inches), 2 Ody stickers, 2 Wild We Roam flag stickers, 1 handwritten thank you note, and 3 affirmations.

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